Wednesday 10 November 2010

Sirdar must wonder what the hell's going on....

Being November, in magazine world, next summer's patterns are being knitted and submitted.

I have two commissions at the moment, completely different designs, but both suitable for a cotton mix yarn.

When putting the pattern ideas to editors, most designers gives suggestions for yarns but the ultimate choice is theirs.

So, last week, I had some Sirdar Calico yarn through, for one of the commissions. This is a two colour design, but the contrast is really just for highlights.

This morning, I had some more Sirdar Calico through, for the other commision, in the same colour!

The compliment slip was signed by the same person, so I do wonder if she noticed my name crop up again.

To make matters worse, there's another commission on the way (completely different item and yarn), which is also from Sirdar.

I have no connections with this company, whatsoever, but I'm wondering if I should get in contact, to become one of their designers.......

Although I am going to be heartily sick of that colour by the time I've finished!

1 comment:

Lou said...

I don't know about Sirdar, but if people notice your name in the mags, they're going to think you really love that colour ;-)